The mark of the beast is a topic that is largely discussed all across the Christian world, yet there are very few people who really know what it is. Some believe that it is an ID card that contains one’s digital identity, others believe that it is a tattoo with the number 666, still others – that it is a microchip which is placed in one’s hand. And why do they think that the mark is a physical object that people will be forced to accept? They get that idea because we are told that the mark will be accepted on the forehead or in the hand, which we will later discuss in detail, showing what the mark really is from the Bible.
Revelation Chapter 13 presents two beasts that cause the earth to worship them. These beasts are symbolic, representing kingdoms. And since they are not literal beasts, do we have any reason to expect that the mark that is spoken of in the same chapter is going to be literal? So, instead of conjecturing what the mark of the beast is, let us allow the Bible to be its own interpreter and tell us what the mark is.
There is something that we need to note in this chapter – we are told that there is a deception involved in this whole issue. In verse 14, we read:
“And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had the power to do in the sight of the beast…” Rev. 13:14.
If people are forced to receive a physical mark there is no deception in this. Everything is plain and simple. But this is not the way Satan works. Some sort of technological device or ID card can indeed be used so that people will be restricted from buying or selling when the mark of the beast crisis comes, but this cannot in any way constitute the mark.
Why? – you would ask. Technology cannot in and of itself be the mark because the mark is said to be the exact opposite of the keeping of the Commandments of God. And a mere technological device does not have anything in common with our loyalty to the law of God.
And so, what is the mark? Revelation Chapter 14 tells us:
“Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.” Rev. 14:12.
This verse is part of the message of the third angel (Rev. 14:9-12) which is to warn the world against accepting the mark, name, or number of the beast. This message also threatens those who would accept the mark with the unmixed wrath of God. Thus verse 12 (that we quoted above) gives us the opposite and shows us what those who would not accept the mark would do. And what is it that they would do? Keep the Commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.
These are also that special group that is talked about at the beginning of the chapter – the 144,000 sealed saints. Thus the observance of the Ten Commandments is directly connected to the sealing and is a condition if one wants to receive the Seal of God.
Since the Seal of God is linked to the Ten Commandments, the mark of the beast must be tied to the breaking of one or more of these Commandments. This is understandable since the Mark of the Beast issue is about worship and obedience. Here is what we are told about the mark in the message of the third angel:
“And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand…” Rev. 14:9.
Do we now recognize that the mark of the beast is linked with worship? Satan is going to deceive the world into worshiping the beast and its image. Thus those who receive the mark will become worshipers of these entities instead of worshiping God. But the faithful ones are going to obey and worship God by keeping His commandments.
When Daniel was found to be loyal to Darius the king in his duties to the state as prime minister of the Medo-Persian kingdom, what did his enemies use as a cause to get rid of him, thrusting him into the lion’s den?
“Then said these men, We shall not find any occasion against this Daniel, except we find it against him concerning the law of his God.” Dan. 6:5.
In their plan to take his place, those wicked men decided to use his faithfulness to the Law of God and turn it against him by causing the king to institute a competitive law that would come in conflict with one of God’s commandments.
The king’s decree forced every one of his subjects to worship him by offering prayers to the king. This would be a direct violation of the First Commandment which commands worship to God only, and no one else besides him. In other words, God must take the first place in our affections and obedience.
In the same way, the beast will institute a law (his mark) that will contradict God’s Commandments and will threaten anyone who violates it with the infliction of civil penalties.
Can we pinpoint what exactly the mark is then? Yes, but first we need to ascertain who the first beast of Revelation 13 is.
The first beast which is said to have come out of the sea, is the Roman church. Therefore, the mark of the beast is a mark of the Roman church. And so, did this church make any attempt to change the Ten Commandments, which can be considered a mark of its authority? In the book of Daniel, this same church is represented under the symbol of a “little horn”, and of this church, it says:
“And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.” Dan. 7:25.
Therefore, the Roman church would think to change times, and also the Law of God, the Ten Commandments. Has this happened in history? This can be confirmed to be a fact, as a mere reading of their version of the Ten Commandments shows several differences in comparison to the original.
The second commandment is removed, the fourth commandment is formulated in such a way that it could mean Sunday instead of the Sabbath, and the tenth is divided into two, to keep the total number the same. And what is most interesting is that the Roman church itself acknowledges this change. It even boasts of this act as being a mark of her ecclesiastical authority:
“Deny the authority of the Church and you have no adequate or reasonable explanation or justification for the substitution of Sunday for Saturday in the Third – Protestant Fourth – Commandment of God… The Church is above the Bible, and this transference of Sabbath observance is proof of that fact.” Catholic Record, September 1, 1923.
“The observance of Sunday by the Protestants is a homage they pay, in spite of themselves, to the authority of the [Catholic] Church.” Monsignor Louis Segur, ‘Plain Talk about the Protestantism of Today’, p. 213.
Thus the Roman church (or the little horn) is the one responsible for the attempted change in God’s Law. And in contrast with that stand that little company of believers who refuse the mark, faithful to their God in obedience to all of his commandments. We need to remember that the Mark of the Beast crisis is all about worship. All people will have to make a decision – whether they will worship the beast and accept his mark, the observance of Sunday instead of the Bible Sabbath, or worship and honor God and keep his commandments. Thus they will evidence whose authority they recognize – either God’s authority or the usurped power of the beast, that is led by the great deceiver.
We can conclude that the mark of the beast is Sunday worship. But people have done this for centuries, what would constitute a mark in the last days? – you would ask. This is a good question indeed. Sunday worship will become a mark once it is enforced as a law in the land. Once people are forced to accept it, being faced with civil penalties, they will have before them the mark of the beast.
Furthermore, Sunday worship is a mark of authority, which means that if a person accepts it, he puts the church-state union that has enforced it on a higher plane than God. In fact, he bows to them, though he may not be bowing physically. In his mind, he deems the church more important than God, giving it the first place, to the disregard of the First Commandment. Just like Daniel was tried. But doing this would be idol-worship, and abominable in the sight of the only true God.
The Fourth Commandment is the only one in which we are told whom we are to worship. We are enjoined to worship the Creator of heaven and earth, and all that in them is. This commandment is the one that connects God with mankind and contains the Seal of God. Thus all who would keep Sunday in accordance with a man-made law instead of God’s commandment, give their allegiance to the beast, or the Roman church, whose sign of authority this law would be. Thus he would receive the mark of the beast.
What does receiving the mark on the forehead mean? A man makes the decision of his free will, with his intellect, giving his loyalty to the beast, thus willfully acknowledging the authority of the Roman church. What about receiving the mark in the hand – what does this mean? Those who receive the mark in their hand are forced because of the pressure placed upon them by economic restrictions.
They obey because they are afraid for their sustenance. They choose to obey because they do not have faith that God will sustain them. This can be more true of the unbelievers. Thus the mark will be placed either upon the forehead or upon the head.
In view of this soon-coming crisis, we would do well to get acquainted with the Bible Sabbath and seek God individually, searching his word to know what is truth. Instead of giving in to the pressure and accepting a spurious “Sabbath” (Sunday) instead of the true Sabbath of the Lord, we aim to be a part of the faithful few in the last days who would keep the Commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. As we are told about those who will receive the Seal of God, “here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.” Rev. 14:12.